Up-to-date Information on
Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia



The state-of-the-art glossary for Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia.


B-cells in the glossary for Waldenström's macroglobulinemia

B-cells (B-lymphocytes) – A type of leucocyte (white blood cell) of the lymphocyte subtype, which function in the humoral immunity component of the adaptive immune system by secreting antibodies.

B-cells, also known as B-lymphocytes, are a type of leucocyte (white blood cell) of the lymphocyte subtype. They function in the humoral immunity component of the adaptive immune system by secreting antibodies. B-cells also present antigens (hence their classification as antigen-presenting cells (APCs)) and secrete cytokines. Mammalian B-cells mature in the bone marrow. B-cells express B-cell receptors (BCRs) on their cell membrane (unlike the other two classes of lymphocytes; T-cells and natural killer cells). BCRs allow B-cells to bind to specific antigens and initiate antibody responses against them.

Glossary overview